The Community Innovation Survey (CIS) is a survey of innovation activity in enterprises. Is the main data source for measuring innovation in Europe. The harmonised Eurostat survey is designed to provide information on the innovativeness of sectors by type of enterprises, on the different types of innovation and on various aspects of the development of an innovation, such as the objectives, the sources of information, the public funding or the expenditures. The CIS provides statistics broke down by type of innovators, economic activities and size classes. The survey is currently carried out every two years across the European Union, some EFTA countries and EU candidate countries. In Czech Republic, it is called Innovation survey (TI) and has been carried out since 2001 (reference year). CIS 3 (1999-2001) was therefore the first conducted survey. After that, already 6 innovation statistical surveys have been carried out. Concerning TI2001 and TI2003, only product and process innovations were surveyed. Since statistical survey TI2005, due to the methodological changes initiated by EU/OECD, marketing and organizational innovations have been implemented into surveys. In case of the survey TI2005, sample size increased up to 8 370 respondents (newly included industries). Reasons are the inclusion of non-technical innovations, ensuring representative regional data and also increasing data quality. In the Czech Republic, it was preferred to maintain the comparability principle of industries between CIS 2006 and CIS 2008. Some of the recommended industries are not included in CIS 2008 (NACE 01-04, 59, 60, 75). Core industries are the same in all EU countries and the data are comparable internationally. Because of a lack of financial support from EU, costs of the CIS 2010 survey had to be reduced. For that reason only core industries were surveyed. The sample size decreased to 6.229 enterprises. For all listed reasons the total share of innovative businesses in surveys therefore cannot be compared easily.