
The AARC has assembled many resources to help you get started with protocols. Protocols are the best way of improving quality of care and saving money. The AARC is here to help you get started.

Protocol Implementation Barriers

A powerpoint presentation of the results of the AARC 2006 Manager and 2007 Staff survey about the perceived barriers to protocol implementation in the clinical setting. These slides and an executive summary were developed to supplement lectures supporting the use of respiratory care protocols.

Model Protocols

This is a collection of models or samples of protocols in use in hospitals across the country. These should be used as guides only.

Guidelines for Preparing a Respiratory Care Protocol

This document describes the method for preparing an RC protocol.

Protocols and Pathways

These protocols were submitted by the members of the Leadership & Management Section. To access these, you must be a member of the Leadership & Management Section. To add this section to your membership, contact Customer Service at (972) 243-2272.

ACCP Position Paper on Respiratory Care Protocols

The American College of Chest Physicians has issued a position paper supporting the use of respiratory care protocols.

Protocol Bibliography

A comprehensive list of peer-reviewed articles that demonstrate the value of using protocols to deliver respiratory services.

Protocol Diaries

Follow the decisions of one health system’s implementation of protocols. Weigh in by posting your comments and encouragement.

Pages related to Protocols